'Collaboration is Key' during Victoria University's Tour of Tonsley Innovation Precinct
Tonsley Innovation Precinct has again found itself on show, this time to an eager delegation from Victoria University.
The group of 8 toured the Innovation Precinct studying the connection and collaboration between Flinders University, TAFE SA and the Precinct's tenants.
With a keen interest in collaboration as an economic driver, the visitors also stopped by SAGE Group for a tour of the international company's Adelaide Head Office, with SAGE CEO Adrian Fahey highlighting the company’s connection with tertiary students across its suite of brands.
"SAGE graduates are given some amazing opportunities to get involved in real-life projects. For example, our recent collaboration with Local Motors saw us launch the world's first integrated trial involving a Smart Transit Hub and an autonomous shuttle. Our graduates were hugely involved throughout the entire project, which is something they should be really proud of."
Business Engagement Coordinator at Flinders New Venture Institute Angela DiFabio agreed the SAGE model was setting a strong example within the community.
"It's a new way of how we should be educating on a tertiary level. It closes the gap between talent and industry and visa-versa. It creates a bit of a spark in the students, so they are industry ready and industry hungry" she said.
Caption:'SAGE Group CEO Adrian Fahey tours SAGE's manufacturing workshop at the Tonsley Innovation Precinct, alongside delegates from Victoria University
The delegation is planning to create its own precinct within the Victoria University grounds on the corner of Queen and Little Lonsdale streets in Melbourne. It'll feature a 32-storey vertical campus in the heart of the city, set to be completed by 2021.