Employee Spotlight: A Quick Chat With Jason Leppin
SAGE Automation Control Systems Engineer Jason Leppin started with the company straight out of University. Now more than 7 years later, he hasn't looked back
Name: Jason Leppin
Role: Control Systems Engineer
Length of time at SAGE: 7 years
Most unusual / different occupation to your current one? "While I was at Uni I was renovating houses just to pay my way and then I started here as a grad straight away."
Favourite Hobbies? "I really enjoy 3D printing so I built my own 3D printer so I enjoy just tinkering with that and making all sorts of objects is pretty cool."
What objects have you printed? "Anything, it's 3D printing. You can print anything that comes to your mind. I've printed little objects for my desk, things around the house fixing things, from something just as simple as a bracket broken to something like a fully functional little robot. The possibilities are endless with 3D printing."
What do you like most about SAGE? "What I love most about SAGE is probably the people. It's pretty flexible - I have a year old daughter now and they were really good through that period. My partner got a job in Papua New Guinea for a year so SAGE basically said "all good, go with her". SAGE held the door open for me.